David F. Johnson co-presented with Zachary S. Davis from Stoel Rives LLP, in Portland, Oregon, on “Limitation of Liability Clauses in Business Contracts: Limiting Potential Damages and Avoiding Pitfalls” on January 31, 2023, for national CLE provider Strafford. This CLE webinar was intended to guide business counsel and owners to draft and negotiate appropriate limitation of liability (LOL) clauses in business contracts. The panel discussed critical considerations when crafting the provisions, enforceability challenges, the interplay of LOL clauses with other provisions, and the use of conditions that must be met for the limitation to be enforceable. David provided comments from a litigator’s perspective, having litigated many LOL provisions and other similar provisions. The PowerPoint presentation is attached.
Click here for PowerPoint: Limitation of Liability Clauses in Business Contracts