In Hanschen v. Hanschen, a trustee challenged a default judgment. No. 05-19-01134-CV, 2020 Tex. App. LEXIS 4075 (Tex. App.—Dallas May 28, 2020, no pet. history). The family sued the trustee in his personal capacity and in his capacity as trustee for breaching fiduciary duties. While the trustee was in
service of process
Court Affirms Default Judgment Against A Foreign Corporate Fiduciary Because Service Was Proper Under The Texas Estates Code
By David Fowler Johnson on
Posted in Cases Decided, Texas Court of Appeals
In United States Bank Nat’l Ass’n v. Moss, U.S. Bank (USB) sought to vacate a default judgment in an underlying suit involving title to real property through a bill of review based on allegedly improper service under the Texas Estates Code. No. 05-19-00223-CV, 2020 Tex. App. LEXIS 4030 (Tex.…